Born in 1948, starts his learning experience at the Touquet « au Chalut », then in 1965, he quits and arrives in Monaco a « La Chaumière ».

He comes back to Paris later where he experiences work in renowned Maisons: Prunier (one of the most prestigious at this period), Le Pré Catelan whose chef was Christian Willer, and finally l'Hermitage in La Baule.
1972, he arrives at Moulin de Mougins where he works with Roger Vergé, and starts as Chef de partie. Along the years, Jacques Maximin got interest in the experience of other renowned chefs such as Apicius, Marie-Antoine Carême, Georges Auguste Escoffier...
1974, he starts at La Bonne Auberge in Antibes from Jo Rostang, and prepares the renowned competition to become French Worker of the Year (Meilleur Ouvrier de France). He meets there Bruno Cirino who will follow him to the Negresco in Nice.
1978, he becomes chef of the Chantecler, the Negresco's gastronomic restaurant, where he will be the first chef to obtain a Michelin star. In two years only, he will get a second Michelin star.
1979, after having won the semi-final from Roanne against Gilles Etéocle and after a final against Claude Deligne and Geroges Blanc, he becomes chef's French Worker of the Year (Meilleur Ourvier de France cuisinier).
1982, he is elected young French chef by the Gault et Millau and obtain 19,5 / 20.
1984, he writes a first book untitled « Couleurs, Parfums et Saveurs de ma Cuisine » in the famous editions Robert Laffont.
1989, he opens his restaurant « Le Théâtre » in the city center of Nice. In a real theatre of 3600m2, the one of Sacha Guitry, he imagines a place without any audience, a kitchen to replace the scene and the curtain which opens when the service starts...
1990, he obtains 2 Michelin stars and in 18 months only his restaurant « Théâtre » becomes famous in the entire world.
From 1992 to 1995 he will go the Diamant Rose in Saint Paul de Vence and will be consultant for the Partouche group at the Casino in Antibes and La Rotonde in the Tour Salvagny in Lyon.
1996, he opens his restaurant « Jacques Maximim » in Vence, in his own house. He obtains 2 Michelin stars.
1998, he writes « Cuisine des Légumes » encouraged by Martine Jolly in the Editions Albin Michel, which will be again a success and will be reedited several times.
2002, New success in library with « Les tartes de Maximin » to the Editions Minerva.
2007, he becomes one of the organizer of the Chef's French Worker of the year contest and change the rules to open it to every chefs even those who are not part of a big cooking team in a renown hotel. No privilege will be given to the participants.
2008, he works for Alain Ducasse at the « Rech » in Paris, where he develops the menu and supervise all the cuisine.
2010, at 62 years old, he opens a bistrot in Cagnes sur Mer, at the Cros de Cagnes called « Le Bistrot de la Marine ».
2011, after only 4 months, he obtains at the Bistrot de la Marine 1 Michelin star.
2016, the chef sells his « Bistrot de la Marine » and works there for the last time on Sunday April 24th 2016 for lunch. After 54 years spent in a kitchen, he decides to get some new culinary experiences.
End of 2016, the Chef creates his company called Services, Conseils et Formation en Restauration. He decides to use his wide experience to give recommandations about cuisine and all activities related to food in France and abroad. His recommandations are made to accompany director and staff of restaurants to reach their goals. Moreover, the Chef likes to work personnally on each mission in order to best answer his clients' expectations.